Blog banner: Discover Haunted Tales of Moravian.
Moravian College Social Media
From the Fall of 2016 to the Spring of 2017, I worked for Moravian College’s Marketing Department as a Social Media Design Assistant. I designed graphics for both Moravian College’s website and social media platforms. I created blog banners, Snapchat geofilters and stories, and Instagram and Twitter posts. I was also lucky enough to work with my internship supervisor to develop and implement social media strategies consistent with our department’s brand guidelines.
‘Discover Haunted Tales of Moravian’ blog banner on view on Moravian’s website.
‘Discover Haunted Tales of Moravian’ facebook post image.
‘Discover Haunted Tales of Moravian’ tweet.
Entryways game. I photographed the majority of the pictures featured above.
Entryways game key.
Blog banner: 5 Ways to Live Green at College.
‘Discover 5 Ways to Live Green at College’ tweet.
‘Discover 5 Ways to Live Green at College’ blog banner on view on Moravian’s website.
#SaturdaySwag giveaway tweet.
‘History of the Greyhound: How We Got Our Mascot’ tweet.
#MyMoravian sweatshirt giveaway graphic draft.
#MyMoravian sweatshirt giveaway tweet.
Blog banner: Keeping Your Faith in College.
‘Keeping Your Faith in College’ facebook post image.
‘Keeping Your Faith in College’ facebook post image.
‘Keeping Your Faith in College’ facebook post image.
#LoveMoravian Valentine’s Day giveaway poster.
Blog banner: Think Spring 4 Cheap Ways to Put Some Color in Your Room.
‘Green Means Go: Commuter Student Pro Tips’ blog banner on view on Moravian’s website.
May Registration geofilter for snapchat.
Graduation geofilter for snapchat.
‘Think Spring 4 Cheap Ways to Put Some Color in Your Room’ tweet.
Accepted Student Days tweet.
Blog banner: Returning Home My Life as a Grad Student.
‘Returning Home My Life as a Grad Student’ facebook post image.
‘Returning Home: My New Life as a Grad Student’ blog banner on view on Moravian’s website.